Bold ~ Untamed~ Fierce



Join the Indomitus Family


In this exceptional time, we invite you to join our exceptional community of donors. It is thanks to the support of our audience members, and donors that Indomitus Theatre is able to uplift emerging artists, to create in these uncertain times. You become directly a part of original daring art. You help make ideas come to life.

We are a young company, and you have made it possible for us to come this far. You can help us continue to grow and invite more to join us. You can invest in the future of artists. You can ensure the future of Indomitus theatre.

Your support will enable us to secure venues and provide resources to bring new work to light and connecting directors, actors, designers and writers to produce groundbreaking theatre online, in the GTA and beyond its borders.

Your gift will also allow us to continue to provide paid opportunities to excellent, emerging artists. And to implement a variety of new community engagement activities this season such as:

  • Artist talks – public discussions with established artists

    Professional Development Workshops for theatre artists

    In-house readings of works past and present

    Pay Scale services for young creatives in need of coaching

Thank you! We are incredible moved and grateful for the support we receive.
